Sunday, March 29, 2009

Love Urself...

What it means to love yourself. Self love is not about being arrogant, selfish, self-centered or egotistical. It is not about comparing yourself to others to determine if you are good enough. It is not about always putting yourself first. It is not about always getting your way. It is not about always winning...

To love yourself is to love ur existence. It is to accept yourself as you are ... It is about knowing your values and your boundaries and proud respect them. It is about teaching others how to treat you by showing them how you treat yourself. It is about being kind to yourself. It is about looking after your mind, your body and your spirit . It is about knowing you are worth it, not because of what you have achieved or what you look like or what others think of you, but because love is your birth right no matter what.

you cannot give something that you do not possess yet so many people desperately love others without having or giving love to themselves.... It is little wonder that in time their reserves of love are exhausted and their relationships falter..To give love you must first have love. To have love, love yourself......Only then will you be able to truly love others for the pure joy of loving them........................

One of my freind said that if you cannot love yourself you cannot love others...If you cannot make yourself happy how can you make others happy..........and he is right.....A big man said first you love yourself are more important to love yourself doest mean of being selfish.....
Loving yourself is a win-win for all. It provides you an inner happiness, confidence and peace of mind ....It enables you to make right choices and the best decisions in all areas of your life from your personnal relationships to your professionals....
So First you love will love you..and you can proud to be yourself.........

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